A man named Krishnappa, who is living with his wife in Bengaluru bought a chicken biryani parcel at Hotel Prasanth. After reaching home, the couple opened the parcel and found out that the parcel did not have chicken pieces. They bought the biryani at Rs. 150. Knowing that the biryani did not have pieces, Krishnappa was shocked and contacted the restaurant owner for a new chicken biryani with pieces. The hotel representative accepted and assured him that the chicken biryani would be delivered to him within 30 minutes. Krisnappa believed and waited for almost two hours, but the biryani didn’t come as told by the representative.
After the response was not taken by the restaurant, the couple decided to file a case against the Prasnth Hotel in the consumer court. Krishnappa also issued a legal notice to the hotel on April, 28. But there was no response from the hotel side. Then, Krishnappa went to the Urban District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission in Bengaluru in May and demanded compensation of Rs. 30,000.

Krisnappa represented himself and his photograph of the biryani without pieces in the court. Also. he said that he and his wife experienced mental pain due to the non-availability of chicken pieces. The judge considered his statement as the restaurant failed to satisfy their customers and gave a judgment to pay the compensation of Rs. 1000 and a refund of the biryani price of Rs. 150 to Krisnappa. The above shows how important biryani is and how people have an emotional connection with biryani nowadays.