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How to Apply Aadhaar Card Online – Step-By-Step Guide

Aadhaar is a 12-digit distinctive identification number granted by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). Each Aadhaar number is unique to an individual and is linked to their biometric and demographic data.

The card includes essential information such as the cardholder’s name, gender, date of birth, and a photograph. Aadhaar has become an important document for various government and private-sector services in India, including financial transactions, subsidies, and welfare programs. No one can apply for an Aadhaar Card without visiting an Aadhaar Enrollment Center.

Eligibility Criteria

Aadhaar card can be applied for by Indian residents of all ages, including children and adults. Eligible individuals can apply for an Aadhaar by providing the required documents and biometric information at an Aadhaar enrolment center. Non-resident Indians (NRIs), Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs), and foreign nationals residing in India for a specified period may also be eligible to apply for Aadhaar under certain conditions. However, the primary target audience for Aadhaar is Indian residents.

Documents Needed

Proof of Identity
Passport / PAN Card / Ration Card / PDS Photo Card / Voter ID / Driving License / Government Photo ID Cards / NREGA Job Card / Photo ID issued by Recognized Educational Institution / Arms License / Photo Bank ATM Card / Photo Credit Card / Pensioner Photo Card / Freedom Fighter Photo Card / Kisan Photo Passbook

Proof of Address
Passport / Voter ID / Driving License / Bank Statement / Passbook / Post Office Account Statement / Ration Card / Insurance Policy / NREGS Job Card / Pensioner Card / Freedom Fighter Card / Kisan Passbook / Vehicle Registration Certificate / Passport of Spouse

Proof of Birth Date
Birth Certificate /
Mark Sheet /

How to apply for an Aadhaar offline?

Step 1: Visit the official UIDAI www.appointments.uidai.gov.in

Aadhaar Update Center Near me

Step 2: Provide your State, Pincode, Locality, or District details to find the nearest Aadhaar enrollment Center.

Aadhaar Enrolment Center Near Me

Step 2: When you visit the center, ensure that you bring the original documents serving as proof of the following with you:

  • Proof of Identity
  • Proof of Address
  • Proof of Date of Birth

Step 3: Upon reaching the enrollment center, complete the enrollment form with the required and accurate information.

Step 4: Submit the fully filled enrollment form along with the mentioned supporting documents. The process will also include capturing your photograph and recording your biometric information, including iris and fingerprint scans.

Step 5: Upon completing the process, the center representative will give you an acknowledgment slip for enrollment, which includes a 14-digit enrollment number. You can utilize this number to monitor the status of your Aadhaar card application on the website www.myaadhaar.uidai

Check Aadhaar Status Online

Recovering a Lost or Forgotten EID: If you have lost or forgotten your EID (Enrollment ID), you can recover it by going to the Retrieve Lost or Forgotten EID/UID page on the UIDAI website.

New Aadhaar Card Apply Online

Step 6: After your information has been verified, your Aadhaar card will be sent to your address by mail. It may take up to 90 days (3 months) to reach you.

How to apply for Aadhaar Online?

Please be aware that you CANNOT apply for an Aadhaar card online. Online registration is only available for scheduling appointments at specific enrollment centers. Whether you schedule an appointment online or not, you must physically visit an Aadhaar card enrollment center to apply.

Steps to schedule an appointment for Aadhaar Services

  • Go to the official UIDAI website.
  • Find the “My Aadhaar” and in the Get Aadhaar section, click on “Book an Appointment”.
Book Aadhaar appointment
  • Schedule an appointment at either a UIDAI-run Aadhaar Seva Kendra or a Registrar-run Aadhaar Seva Kendra.
  • Choose your location and click “Proceed to Book Appointment” at UIDAI to run Aadhaar Seva Kendra.
Schedule Aadhaar appointment
  • Click “New Aadhaar” and after the OTP validation, book an appointment on your preferred slot.
New Aadhaar Card Online
  • If your location is not in the option, then Book an Appointment at Register run Aadhaar Seva Kendra.
Apply New Aadhaar Card
  • After the OTP verification, fill the required details and book an appointment at your preferred slot in your nearest enrolment center.
UIDAI schedule appointment for Aadhaar
  • You’ll receive your appointment number accordingly.
Note : Keep in mind that a visit to the center in person is required for the collection of biometric data.

After completing the biometric process, you will receive the physical Aadhaar, and you can also download an e-Aadhaar from the official website by using your Aadhaar Number, Enrollment ID (EID), or Virtual ID (VID). If you want to know more about the Aadhaar download process, verify this website Download Aadhaar Card

FAQ – Apply Aadhaar Card

1. Is it possible to apply for an Aadhaar card online?

There is no online provision for Aadhaar card enrollment. To register for an Aadhaar card, it’s essential to visit an authorized Aadhaar card enrollment center in person. Nonetheless, individuals can schedule an appointment date and choose the enrollment center online.

2. How can I apply for an Aadhaar card for my child?

Visit the UIDAI website and access the Aadhaar card registration section. Obtain the necessary application form. Fill in the required details such as your child’s name, parent’s phone number, and email address. Ensure that you provide your active phone number and a valid email address.

3. Is it possible to reapply for an Aadhaar card?

If you have lost the hard copy of your Aadhaar card, you have the option to either download an e-Aadhaar and have it printed or apply for a new Aadhaar PVC card online through the UIDAI website

4. Is there a minimum age requirement for Aadhaar?

No, there is no specified age limit for Aadhaar Enrollment. Even a newborn baby can be enrolled for Aadhaar.

5. How to download e-Aadhaar?

To download your e-Aadhaar, visit the UIDAI website and select the “Download Aadhaar” option. Enter your 12-digit Aadhaar number or Virtual ID, along with the OTP (One Time Password) sent to your registered mobile number. After validation, you can download the PDF of your e-Aadhaar, which is password-protected.
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