In the Khairthal-Tijara district of Rajasthan, there lived a family. The man named Deepak Yadav, his wife Sanju, and their 3-month-old daughter Nishika. Due to the fire spread by the heater Deepak and his daughter Nishika burnt alive. Deepak’s wife Sanju has burn injuries. The incident happened last night.
After hearing the loud cries, the neighbors near their house rushed and extinguished the fire. Then all the three members were taken to hospital. There the doctors said that Nishika and Deepak died. His wife Sanju is under treatment and her condition is critical, Police said.
Hamirpur Incident
The same incident happened earlier in Jalla village. A woman and her two daughters were burnt because of a short circuit in a room heater. The heater was on at that time. Also, in Sitapur of Uttar Pradesh, four died due to suffocation caused by the gas spread by the gas heater. They on the heater to make the room warm.
The Khairthal-Tijara district is sad because Deepak Yadav’s family is dealing with the results of a really sad fire. The way people in the community are reacting shows how caring and strong people can be when things are tough. Let’s send good thoughts to the sad family and join hands to help Sanju get better.