Manjummel Boys OTT: “Manjummel Boys,” a Malayalam movie released in theaters this February, was well-received in Kerala and other states. Directed by Chidambaram, the film features actors like Soubin Shahir, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese, and Ganapathi. It is set to stream on Disney+ Hotstar in multiple languages starting May 5. The film, praised by critics across Kerala and beyond, is a survival thriller inspired by a true story.
“Manjummel Boys,” currently holds an IMDb rating of 8.6. The movie will be available on the OTT platform in multiple languages including Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Hindi. Set in 2006 in Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, the film follows a group of men on a visit to the renowned Gunaa caves, named after Kamal Haasan’s 1991 film which was filmed there.
“Manjummel Boys” is an intense survival thriller where a group of friends come together to rescue their friend from a tough situation. The movie also brings back the popular song “Kanmani Anbodu Kadhalan” from the film “Gunaa,” adding to the film’s pivotal moments. “Manjummel Boys” hit theaters on February 22 and was later released in Telugu on April 6.
Chidambaram, the writer and director of the film, expressed his feelings of being overwhelmed and thrilled by the response to “Manjummel Boys.” He stated, “I am truly overwhelmed by the response Manjummel Boys has received.” He further mentioned his goal of creating a film that connects with audiences beyond language barriers and expressed gratification in witnessing its universal appeal across India.
Chidambaram also expressed his hope that the OTT release of the film will receive love from the audience. He mentioned that viewers can now stream the movie in their preferred language, making it accessible to a wider audience across the country. Chidambaram stated, “Now, partnering with Disney+ Hotstar to make the movie available in different languages for audiences across the country is a great joy.” He further expressed his hope that the audience will embrace the film with the same love and excitement as before.
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