The popular motivational speaker Vivek Bindra got married to Yanika Bindra on December 26, 2023. In this case, a case has been filed against him for beating and harassing his wife. Just after 8 days of marriage, this case was filed in Noida 126 police station. The case has been filed with various sections of IPC including 323, 504, 427, and 325. The case was filed by Bindra’s brother-in-law Vaibav Kwatra. Yanika’s brother Kwatra told in a complaint that on December 07, a heated conversation happened between Vivek Bindra and his mother Prabha. When his sister Yanika tried to intervene, Vivek locked her in a room, pulled her hair, and assaulted her.
It results in severe injuries and wounds on her body. Also, due to this, she is unable to hear properly. Now, Yanika is admitted to Delhi’s Kailash Deepak hospital and treatment is ongoing, according to the FIR statement. Bindra is the CEO of Bada Business Private Limited (BBPL) who has millions of followers on Instagram and YouTube.
Sandeep Maheshwari Released Video
Sandeep Maheswari, another highly popular motivational speaker and YouTuber released a video on Instagram titled “BIG SCAM EXPOSED“. In that video, he showed the testimonials from students that they were deceived by Bindra’s company. The video has 5,848,521 views and many people supported the video and gave comments about the exposure. In the video’s comment section, Sandeep Maheswari mentioned “Selling a comb (or course) to those who need it is not a scam. It’s a genuine business. But selling a comb (worth Rs.50) to a bald person claiming that it’s a magical comb (worth Rs.50,000) that will grow their hair within a month is a scam. Not refunding money for that useless overpriced comb is a scam. And most importantly, asking that person to sell it to others is definitely a scam. Millions of innocent people have lost their hard-earned money in such scams. Let’s take a stand for them…”