9-year-old Preesha Chakraborty, a Grade 3 student at Warm Spring Elementary School in Fremont, California, has been listed on the world’s brightest students list by the renowned Johns Hopkins Centre for Talented Youth. It was based on the tests, which were attended by 16,000 students across 90 countries. This places her on the list, with Indian Americans once again showcasing their academic prowess.
Preesha’s journey to this esteemed list began with her participation in the Johns Hopkins Centre for Talented Youth (JH-CTY) test in Summer 2023. Among over 16,000 students from 90 countries, she excelled in above-grade-level tests, earning her well-deserved recognition as a Grade 3 student.
She received recognition for doing exceptionally well on important tests like the SAT, ACT, School and College Ability Test, and others through the CTY Talent Search. Every year, only a small percentage of students, less than 30 percent, make the cut for either High Honors or Grand Honors/SET based on their test scores. She did exceptionally well in both the verbal and math parts of the test, performing as well as the top 1 percent of advanced Grade 5 students. As a result, she earned the prestigious Grand Honors, as stated in the press release.
Natasha Perianayagam, a 13-year-old student at Florence M Gaudineer Middle School in New Jersey, has been recognized as one of the brightest students globally for two years in a row. She excelled in the Johns Hopkins Center For Talented Youth (CTY) test in Spring 2021, performing at an advanced Grade 8 level in both verbal and math sections.
Indian Americans are well-known for doing great in school, and this accomplishment adds to their impressive achievements. They are famous not only for doing well in tests like the Scripps National Spelling Bee but also for consistently making it to the final rounds and winning championships. These young minds show a deep understanding of complex words and concepts.