PM Narendra Modi will inaugurate a newly constructed hostel at the National Institute of Technology in Trichy (NIT-T) through video conferencing on January 02. The Prime Minister is going to open a new hostel called ‘Amethyst’ when he visits Trichy. He will be there to attend the 38th convocation of Bharathidasan University and also to inaugurate the new integrated terminal building (NITB) at Trichy Airport.
It is a major event to renovate educational infrastructure facilities. The hostel has been set up to accommodate the increased number of students due to the implementation of a 10 percent reservation from the academic year 2019-20. The hostel has been built at a cost of Rs.41 crores, the hostel is fully funded by the central government. It stands as a beacon of modernity and academic excellence. According to NIRF’s “India Ranking – 2023”, NIT Tiruchirappalli has held the prestigious first position for eight consecutive years among all NITs as a pioneer in the field of engineering education. Also, it ranks 9th among all engineering institutes across the country.
The hostel is built around 1.2 lakh square feet with 253 rooms. Approximately 506 students can be accommodated at a time, with FTTH technology and a Wi-Fi facility. FTTH stands for “Fibre to the Home”. It is a broadband internet connection technology that uses fiber optic cables to transmit data. These cables are made up of thin plastics which allow them to transmit data at very high speed.
The hostel contains four floors. The opening of the “Amethyst” hostel highlights the unwavering commitment of NIT Tiruchirappalli to provide an environment conducive to the holistic development of students. The institute is poised to create new milestones in the field of engineering education. This was stated by the central government. In the statement of the central government, not only the opening ceremony of the NIT hostel but also clearly mentioned that “the hostel has been set up to accommodate the increased number of students due to the implementation of 10% reservation from the academic year 2019-20”. Is it a hostel for the students who have benefited from the 10% reservation? A controversy has erupted among people of various castes.
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