Premalu 2 Sequel: The makers revealed the sequel to the hit Malayalam movie “Premalu” on Friday. Girish AD will return as the director for this project. Director Girish AD, famous for his work on “Naslen K Gafoor,” starring Mamitha Baiju, has officially announced the sequel to “Premalu.” The original Malayalam film received praise not only in Kerala but also across other states.
In the sequel, the lead actors will reprise their roles, bringing back the charm of the original movie. Once again, SS Karthikeya is set to present the Telugu version of the movie.
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Bhavana Studios Post
On Instagram, the production company, Bhavana Studios, announced “Premalu 2” officially. They shared new posters hinting that this time the story might not be set in Hyderabad. The caption read, “The Biggest RomCom blockbuster ever in Malayalam Cinema will be back in 2025! Let’s Premalu2.” The poster shows a starry sky with a palace in the background. Fahadh Faasil will also return as one of the producers of the film.
Karthikeya Post
#Premalu was such a beautiful chapter in my life. I'm truly grateful to my Telugu audience for making it unforgettable. Big thanks to @BhavanaStudios for all the support and love ❤️
— S S Karthikeya (@ssk1122) April 19, 2024
Excited and humbled to present #Premalu2 in Telugu, with even more love…
SS Rajamouli’s son, Karthikeya, revealed on X that he will be back as the presenter for the Telugu version. He expressed his gratitude to the Telugu audience for their support for the first movie. Karthikeya thanked Bhavana Studios for their support and love and expressed his excitement and humility to present “Premalu 2” in Telugu, promising even more love.
Premalu Movie
“Premalu” follows the journey of Sachin, portrayed by Naslen, and Reenu, played by Mamitha, as they navigate through adulthood, dealing with love, friendships, and career choices. The story revolves around two Malayalis who move to Hyderabad for their professional aspirations, where they meet and eventually develop feelings for each other.
The film received praise not only for the performances of the lead actors but also for the supporting cast. Sangeeth Prathap, playing Amal Davis aka Amul Baby, Shyam Mohan as Aadhi, and Mathew Thomas as Thomas, all garnered acclaim for their roles. Their contributions added depth to the storyline and enriched the overall cinematic experience.
The first film ended with Sachin leaving for the UK to pursue further studies while Reenu stayed in Hyderabad for her career. They decide to maintain a long-distance relationship. It is still unclear how the directors will continue their story in “Premalu 2.”
The sequel is set to be released in Malayalam, Telugu, and Tamil in 2025. However, a specific release date has not been announced yet. Fans eagerly await to see how Sachin and Reenu’s relationship evolves and what new challenges they face in the sequel.
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