This menu is the only one we know of from April 11. It shows what was served on the Titanic just days before the disaster.
The fancy dinner menu from the Titanic’s first class is being sold for £60,000. The menu, marked with water stains and dated April 11, 1912, shows what passengers ate a few days before the ship’s tragic incident.
According to the auction house Henry Aldridge & Son Ltd, they found this menu on the body of a Titanic victim named Len Stephenson from Nova Scotia, Canada. Stephenson passed away in 2017, and his daughter Mary Anita discovered the menu while going through his stored belongings.

The auction house shared more details, mentioning that the newly discovered menu showed what wealthy people like JJ Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon, and Molly Brown ate. The menu listed items like oysters, Squab a la Godard, Spring Lamb, Tournedos of Beef a la Victoria, mallard duck, and Apricots Bourdaloue.
This meal was served as the ship had recently left its final port, Queenstown (Cobh) in Ireland, and was sailing across the Atlantic.
In a press release, Auctioneer Andrew Aldridge revealed that the menu from the Titanic’s first-class restaurant was not known before. Len Stephenson had it, and even his family didn’t know about it. After Len passed away, his things were given to the family but put in storage. About six months ago, Len’s daughter and son-in-law, Allen, decided to check through his stuff. While doing that, they found the menu in an old photo album.
He kept talking and mentioned that Len was a well-respected historian in Nova Scotia, a place linked to the Titanic. The ships that recovered bodies were from Nova Scotia, where all the victims were taken. Unfortunately, Len never shared how he got the menu, taking that secret with him to the grave.
Today, we only have a few Titanic menus, and those are from the night of the tragedy when passengers kept them in their jackets or coat pockets. This menu is the only one known to exist from April 11.